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Dr. Maja (Maya) Zelihic is in the global 100 inspirational leaders, with the likes of Richard Branson, opera winery, Elon musk and Jeff Bezos. Published in over 20+ peer-reviewed journals.
Her book The Power of Perception, co-authored with Dr. Diane Hamilton, was released in December 2020 and in June 2020 Dr Diane was our first podcast guest here on decoding AQ.
Ross and Maja talk about immigration, refuging, environment, survival, studying, open mindedness, childhood, education, learning, shaping ourselves, the developing world, accelerating progression during the pandemic, utilising technology and creation through destruction. The pair also discuss curiosity, culture, communication, familiarity, emotional intelligence, processing, conversations, mindfulness, mindset, hardwiring, hierarchy, stability, calm, chaos, fishing to be right, humility, being wrong, coexistence, judging people and fear of judgment.
Full Podcast Transcript