
Go deeper, and gain longer-term

engagements with your clients

Unlock a new dimension of people data intelligence. Creating value throughout their development life-cycle. As an AQ Certified Partner™ you will gain unprecedented insights about who, when, how and why people adapt to change.


Assessments in multi-languages


Coming Soon


Watch our Platform Demo and see how it can work for you

2 min watch
Isolate the cause of low employee engagement—and take action to fix it.

A powerful platform to set up, manage and maximize client opportunities

Unlimited client


Fully customizable
team reporting


Exclusive access to partner pricing


Onboarding mgmt & notifications


See the complete picture. Help shift from data inputs to behaviors, meaning, and outcomes.

AQ, or Adaptability Quotient, is a holistic measure of workplace adaptability

Transforming the way people and organisations adapt to change



Built from leading scientific publications



Data points
collected & analysed


dimensions across 3 master dimensions

Assessment Options

Our collection of adaptability assessments allows you to deploy the right solution for your needs. From rapid assessments - complete in under 10 minutes - to  25 minutes, in-depth analysis across the 15 sub-dimensions of adaptability. Each one benefits from our patent-pending, highly engaging, AI conversational user experience platform.

AQlite logo

The fastest way to measure and discoveryour adaptability

$16.99 Per User
billed at checkout
  • 1 Assessment

  • Data on 4 Dimensions

  • Actionable Insights

  • AQ Team Insight Reports

  • Onboarding Support

  • Access To Live Masterclasses

AQlite logo

The fastest way to measure and discoveryour adaptability

$65.00 Per User
billed at checkout
  • 1 Assessment

  • Data on 4 Dimensions

  • Actionable Insights

  • AQ Team Insight Reports

  • Onboarding Support

  • Access To Live Masterclasses

AQlite logo

The fastest way to measure and discoveryour adaptability

$65.00 Per User
billed at checkout
  • 1 Assessment

  • Data on 4 Dimensions

  • Actionable Insights

  • AQ Individual & Team Insight Reports

  • Onboarding Support

  • Access To Live Masterclasses

Aqame logo

The best choice for individuals looking to discover and level up their AQ

$85.00 Per User
billed at checkout
  • 1 Assessments

  • Data on 15 Dimensions

  • Actionable Insights

  • AQme Insights Report

  • Onboarding Support

  • AQ Expert assigned for your team (more than 25 assessments)

  • Onboarding Support

AQteam logo

Perfect for teams of 5+.
Submit your enquiry and gain greater adaptability insights and data intelligence

$80.00 Per User
select volume at checkout
  • 5+ Assessment

  • Data on 17 Dimensions

  • Actionable Insights

  • AQ Individual & Team Insight Reports

  • Onboarding Support

  • AQ Expert assigned for your team (more than 25 assessments)

Pricing Calculator

Curabitur porta porta porta. Morbi ut ultricies ligula. Mauris lectus neque, accumsan non nisl et, fermentum egestas mi. Praesent in enim egestas, dignissim magna non, luctus mauris. Nunc posuere pulvinar pharetra.

Assessment Platform key features

Interactive and engaging conversational experience

Assessment that doesn’t feel like your typical. Built inside a conversational chatbot UI.

conversational experience.png

Individual insights dashboard

Covering our AQ model A.C.E. Ability, Character and Environment. With detailed insights across 15 dimensions, like your Resilience, Grit, Mindset, Unlearning, Emotional Health, Hope, Team Support and Work Stress.


Compare your AQ score against organisations Averages

A popular requested feature for the AQ dashboard is the ability to easily benchmark against the global average to see how you fare up against the rest of the world.


Easy onboarding and multiple department and team setup

Setup multiple clients, organizations, and teams to view aggregate reports of AQ scores and insights. Identifying the distribution, where to focus, and empower team adaptability breakthroughs in innovation, communication, resilience, and adaptability in the workplace.


Download Report

Keeping track of your AQ score over time is vitally important not only to reflect on your personal progress but to also identify continual room for improvement as you continue to undertake the actionable insights to strengthen your AQ muscle. There's either a condensed version or a longer, more detailed version available.


Actionable insights

Strengthening your Adaptability Quotient (AQ) muscle, with a whole host of adaptability exercises, activities, short lessons to follow, videos, podcasts and books to read.


Download sample reports

Download AQ Individual Report Sample

The AQ Team Report Sample

Download the pack for FREE

See the power of the AQai Assessment Platform in action through our individual & team sample reports.

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We’ve helped train and certify over 150 pioneering
practitioners so far


It has been clear to me for some time that adaptability is increasingly important in enabling people, teams and organisations to thrive now and into the future. I am looking forward to continuing my learning journey with the AQ community.

Andy James
Performance Development Consulting

We’ve helped train and certify over 150 pioneering
practitioners so far


It’s an awesome assessment and one of the four I’ll be using in my EPIC Management model for the “I” (Identity).

Matthew Ley
Flip The Script Coaching & Consulting LLC

We’ve helped train and certify over 150 pioneering
practitioners so far


What excites me most is the idea that each of us has the capacity to adapt. AND that we have some characteristics that might make adapting more or less challenging. AND that the environment we are in (e.g, company culture) plays an important role...Thank you to Mike Raven and Ross Thornley, MABP & team for facilitating an excellent training experience. I’m thrilled to be on this learning journey with all of you at AQai - Adaptability Assessments & Coaching

Andrea Evans

We’ve helped train and certify over 150 pioneering
practitioners so far


This is a powerful assist in understanding individuals, groups and organizations to leverage the critical capability of adaptability.If there is one thing to take stock of to be "future-ready" is how adaptable your are, and how you will build your ability, character and environment to maximize your ability to adapt.

Len Nanjad
Nanjad Advisory Services Inc.

Certification for Coaches & Consultants

Get AQ Certified™ and deliver even more value to your organization

AQai provides adaptability training for consultants, certifications, and training to organizations - helping our world navigate and thrive through change.

2 min watch


How long does the course last?

You’ll join two live sessions of 1.5 and 2 hours each with your cohort with an AQai Master Trainer, plus at-your-pace 8 hour learning content on demand (own your own time and progress - with still some time-sensitive accountability from us)

Will I get access to study guides and resources?

You will receive a workbook to save your notes and will be granted access to our private Partners Portal with all the resources, guides and science for you to dig deeper into the AQ world.
Will I be able speak with other AQ Certified Practitioners?
We’re proud of the community we’re building. You’ll meet, practice, share and collaborate with a community of certified trainers like you that are already applying AQ to their businesses. A group of over 70 pioneers in the AQ movement, all top leaders and high profile coaches in various areas, and available to share their knowledge and experiences with you.
What happens after the course?
As an AQ Foundation Certified Partner you’ll gain exclusive access to our Partners Portal, monthly Mastermind Sessions and more. In addition you’ll be able to deepen your knowledge with the Level 2 Professional Certification and gain traction with a variety of bundle options.
How can I receive advice on my results?
We have almost 160 certified AQ coaches across 20 countries. Many of whom offer personal and professional training and feedback sessions. Contact to be connected with one of our coaches.
Why do I have to apply to enroll in the L2 Certification Program?
As 90% of our Level 1 certified practitioners have indicated the desire to enroll in Level 2, we will be making selections based on mindsets, diversity, traction, and opportunity.

Jump on a Discovery Call and uncover the benefits of being AQ Certified

If you want to learn more about our Adaptability Quotient Certification Programs and how it could fit your business' goals book a discovery session with one of our co-founders
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If you can't find a time that suits you or want to know more now

Speak to our AI now!

The Coach's Ultimate Guide to Leveraging Adaptability

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