At AQai, we care deeply about the future of work, the fate of humanity, and our planet. As a result, our MTP is aligned with the 2030 agenda, the 17 Global Goals set up by the United Nations as a ‘to do list’ for the planet, focusing on goals #3: "Good health and wellbeing", #8: “decent work and economic growth” and #9: “industry, innovation and infrastructure.”
40% of jobs that exist today will not exist in 10 years’ time. Fuelled by technology, change is coming at a rate that exceeds our ability to adapt. What got past generations here, won’t get the next to where they want to be. Our aim is to not only quantify and provide insight into AQ, but also to help individuals and organisations to improve their ability to adapt in the fastest period of change in human history.
A core focus, as an ambitious, socially conscious and culturally sensitive organization, is living our values out day-to-day within our team and for our valued communities.