
Harnessing Motivation Styles for Adaptive Success: Lessons from Decoding AQ

Human Potential
Harnessing Motivation Styles for Adaptive Success: Lessons from Decoding AQ

Marielys Gómez

Marketing Lead
July 18, 2024
Harnessing Motivation Styles for Adaptive Success: Lessons from Decoding AQ

Understanding what drives us and keeps us motivated, especially during challenging times, is essential for personal and professional success. In today’s article, we are not going to be talking about ‘what someone is motivated by, i.e. money, fame, friendships, mastery or meaning’, but how you can leverage critical people data to inform practical communication strategies to shift responses of change from friction to flow. ‍Let’s lift the lid on the concept of Motivation Style, as explored in Ross Thornley's "Decoding AQ: Your Greatest Superpower."

What Makes Us Change?

Knowing our Motivation Style and that of our team members is pivotal in understanding why we strive to achieve goals. The academic lens of regulatory focus theory helps us decipher this by distinguishing between two systems of motivation: "promotion" focus and "prevention" focus.

  1. Promotion Focus: Driven by aspirations and opportunities, individuals with this focus use specific strategies to achieve gains. They are motivated by the potential for positive outcomes and are often characterized by a "burning ambition." In our profile reports, we call this ‘play to win’
  2. Prevention Focus: These individuals are driven by safety and the need to avoid negative outcomes. They employ avoidance behaviors to minimize errors and fulfil duties, often fueled by a "burning platform" that necessitates change. In our profile reports, we call this ‘play to protect’.

Neither one is ‘BETTER’ than the other, it is about knowing both your own and their why. Armed with this data, we can save countless hours of hard work, heartache, disengagement and even sabotage, by connecting on a personalised basis with these insights. Increase stakeholder buy-in, speed up change and ultimately achieve more desired outcomes.

Harnessing Motivation Styles for Adaptive Success: Lessons from Decoding AQ
Harnessing Motivation Styles for Adaptive Success: Lessons from Decoding AQ
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Harnessing Motivation Styles for Adaptive Success: Lessons from Decoding AQ
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Intrinsic vs. Extrinsic Motivation

Traditional motivation can be categorized into two main types:

  • Intrinsic Motivation: Performing an activity for its inherent satisfaction. This type of motivation is generally more powerful and sustainable.
  • Extrinsic Motivation: Driven by external rewards such as money, recognition, or avoiding punishment.

Understanding these distinctions and nuances is crucial for identifying what triggers and sustains our motivation in various contexts.

Motivation Styles and Creativity

Recent studies link motivation styles to types of creativity. For instance, a promotion focus can foster radical new ideas, while a prevention focus might enhance systematic, detailed-oriented creativity. These insights can explain differences in work outcomes, performance levels, and adaptability strategies.

We are excited to be able to share a peer-reviewed paper which is going to be published later this year on this topic from our data.

Beyond Dualities: Unraveling the Influence of Regulatory Focus and Paradox Mindset on Workplace Ambidexterity


This study explores how regulatory focus influences ambidextrous behavior in employees, with a particular emphasis on the moderating role of a paradox mindset. Conducted with 206 employees from a large U.S. financial institution, the research reveals a significant relationship between an individual’s regulatory focus and their ambidexterity at work. Specifically, a higher promotion focus leads to increased exploration, whereas a higher prevention focus correlates with greater exploitation. The study also investigates the interaction between promotion and prevention focus, finding that one focus often dominates in the performance of exploration. Crucially, it demonstrates that a paradox mindset can moderate the relationship between regulatory focus and ambidexterity, suggesting that this mindset helps employees balance exploration and exploitation more effectively. These findings contribute to our understanding of individual-level ambidexterity and highlight the importance of cognitive mindsets in enhancing organizational adaptability and competitiveness.

Practical Implications: Play to Protect vs. Play to Win

In the AQme assessment model, Motivation Style is measured on a continuum from "Play to Protect" to "Play to Win":

  • Play to Protect: Motivated by protecting current assets and minimizing losses. Adaptation occurs through cautious, reliable approaches, often driven by a fear of failure.
  • Play to Win: Motivated by potential gains and maximizing opportunities. Adaptation involves taking bold, higher-risk actions, driven by ambition and the desire for significant positive outcomes.

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Harnessing Motivation Styles for Adaptive Success: Lessons from Decoding AQ
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Real-life Example: Zoom and the Covid-19 Pandemic

The adoption of video conferencing software like Zoom illustrates these motivation styles. Companies with a "Play to Win" attitude adopted the technology early, recognizing its potential advantages, less travel, global reach and efficiency gains. Conversely, companies forced to adapt during the pandemic often did so out of necessity, exemplifying a "Play to Protect" mindset, not losing the ability to communicate with their teams and clients.

Key Takeaways:

Understanding your Motivation Style can significantly impact how you approach change and achieve your goals. By recognizing whether you "Play to Protect" or "Play to Win," you can tailor your strategies to better align with your intrinsic drives and external circumstances. Even better, when you scale these insights to your teams, departments and company wide.

If you are curious about your Motivation Style and how it influences your adaptability, we invite you to take your AQ assessment and discover your Motivation Style.

Start optimizing your strategies for personal and professional growth!

Harnessing Motivation Styles for Adaptive Success: Lessons from Decoding AQ
Harnessing Motivation Styles for Adaptive Success: Lessons from Decoding AQ
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